Summer Camps on the Bearcamp
2024 Season at The Bearcamp Center for Sustainable Community
Welcome to The Bearcamp Center’s summer camp offerings for July and August 2024. We are so excited to be welcoming campers going into grades K-8 to our lively, interactive sessions.
Please be in touch if you have any questions: (Lianne) or
(603) 651-9344
A team of experienced educators and friendly teen assistants will develop and run lively, creative, and safe camp ex- periences for your child, designed to keep young minds and bodies joyfully busy. Each of the sessions will run Mon- day-Thursday from 7:45-3:00, for six weeks, beginning the week of July 8 and running through August 15. Campers may sign up for as many of the six sessions as they’d like: pick one perfect week or join us for the summer! The total cost per week is $225. Financial aid is available, based on need.
Please spend time with your child reviewing the options for our sessions, and complete the pre-registration form. If your child is coming for more than one week, please (!) choose different activities for each week to avoid bore- dom for your kiddo. Your child may repeat options they love for more than one session, knowing that there may be some overlap in activities but we do not recommend signing up for the same activity more than twice. Take the time to preregister now as some activities have limited space; first come, first served. Please make note of * showing special circumstances for a few of our offerings.
This year, we will be grouping children more often by age and/or abillity in order to give each camper the most appropriate and personalized experience possible. We do belive that multi-age experiences can benefit older and younger children alike and will continue to provide some full-group experiences, though not for all sessions, all the time.
We offer financial support to Tamworth families on a sliding scale, and can invoice the Sandwich Children and Youth Fund (Sandwich campers), the Ossipee Children’s Fund (Ossipee, Madison, Freedom, and Effingham campers), and Rekindling Curiosity (children with disabilities, IEPs, or families living with poverty). It is up to each family to apply for financial support needed and to communicate with The Bearcamp Center when they’ve received awards that need to be billed to other agencies.
Full financial aid information and application will be sent out in early June with your camper’s schedule and registration paperwork.
When we have received this pre-registration form and $10 per child registration fee, we’ll build the schedule for the camp sessions. In early June, we’ll send you a copy of your child’s schedule, a list of items each camp- er should bring from home each day, complete registration packet with emergency and health information, a camp contract, and any further final financial aid paperwork. We will send financial aid application and information at that time.
COMPLETED FORMS may be dropped off in the K.A. Brett School office, returned to Lianne at The Bearcamp Cen- ter (1164 Bunker Hill S Tamworth 03883), or emailed to
If you email your registration forms, please be sure to snail mail or drop off your deposit check! Depos- it $/check can be left in an envelope in the Comfort Food Meals Room donation box accessed on our front porch. Please label the envelope clearly..
Session One: Monday, July 8-Thursday, July 11 Session Two: Monday, July 15-Thursday, July 18 Session Three: Monday, July 22-Thursday, July 25 Session Four: Monday, July 29-Thursday, August 1 Session Five: Monday, August 5-Thursday, August 8 Session Six: Monday, August 12-Thursday, August 15
Drop off for camp is between 7:45-8:15 each day. Pick up from camp is at 3pm.