Holiday Sparkle Camp

Monday and Tuesday, December 11 & 12, from 4-6pm, we’ll be hosting kiddos in grades K-8 for a frolic of holiday preparation.

Bake and decorate holiday cookies; make jars of giftable hot chocolate; enter Santa’s workshop where you’ll shape gifts of wood; craft holly jolly presents for your best friend and family; create the sparkliest jewelry, tiara, magic wands, and ornaments from the shiniest beads; use oranges, cloves, garlic, bay leaves, and hot peppers to make holiday wreaths and ornaments that make your whole house smell delicious. Go holiday “shopping” in our just-for-kids gift shop. Wrap all your creations and presents so they’re ready to tuck under the tree!

After school snacks will be served!

There is no charge for these creative playdates, though donations toward materials are accepted.

Please contact Lianne at by Friday, 12/8 to reserve space so we have materials ready for all Sparkle campers.